Saturday, April 27, 2019

How to choose the right business artist for your business entertainment event

You have everything created for your employee appraisal event or customer annotation event. His CEO introduces entertainment for the night, and then slowly stops everything. Instead of the laughter and applause, I expected to hear, he hears silence and heavy sugar. The talent that you thought was the perfect corporate artist for your group, panic, and start offending the audience. He slides slowly into his chair and wonders if his resume is up to date.

As Maya Angelou once said, "People will forget what you said and forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel". While the food can be excellent and the room looks beautiful, it is quickly forgotten. What your group won't forget is how miserable it was to see the artist you chose to add some "fun" and excitement to your event. It is strange that an event manager often spends months planning certain aspects of an event: food, hotel, decorations, etc. But wait until the last minute to reserve the right corporate entertainment event.

Here are some entertainment ideas for Corporate Event that help you make the right decision for a business artist for your next meeting or event.
1) Do your homework: Stop relying on the speaker or entertainment agency to always reserve your talent. Many leading business artists do not necessarily work with agents, and therefore you can lose a lot of talent. While agents can be a good source of talent, they are not the only way to go. Don't think the agent has only worked with that talent because a business artist is on the agent's list. If you're willing to "expand your options", do a Google search for expressions such as a fun motivational speaker or entertaining motivational speaker. Here you will find many business artists who can help you add the "WOW" factor to your event.

2) Participate in the demonstrations: Once you have chosen one or two artists, look carefully the talent show and see if it is a good option for your group. This is the quickest way to confirm that the artist will work for you and save you time because if you don't like the video, you can quickly move on to your next candidate. While watching the demo, see if the talent has worked for similar groups. Adhere to the group's demographics. Does the video show the volume of reactions? Are laughter and applause genuine or canned? Are there more performance clips or is the video mostly one? Did the artist get several standing ovations or just one?

3) Examine the site: If you like the demonstration, examine the talent website to see exactly what kind of business offer it offers. Be aware that the company's artist has a number of program options. Also, look at the companies that the talent has worked on, and then read the testimonials of the companies mentioned. Many businessmen present company logos on their website; But when they verify the testimony of these companies in the talent scene, these testimonies cannot be present. If a talent shows a company logo, it is assumed that he/she has worked with that company and therefore logically, the talent must have a testimony that supports this affirmation. If they don't, what are you going to do?

4) The testimonies are the best: testimony on video has replaced the references. Instead of having to call someone to get a reference about talent, a video will tell you everything you need to know. What you should look for in a testimony video is who gives testimony and what they said. The testimony must be from the person who reserved the talent and for the entertainment of corporate events, it must be an event manager, sales or marketing executive or superior. The testimonies of the public are fine, But you will listen to someone from a company that has reserved talent. Given that most businessmen who are good at their work have done so for some time, the written testimonies will surely surpass them from the video. However, there must be enough video testimonials to give you solid information about the quality of the service you can expect from the artist.

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